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Published: November 2017

Date: November 2017

LHVB ASCE Presentation - 1 PDH & 1 Ethics PDH

On the evening of November 8, 2017, approximately fifty Professional Engineers fulfilled their triennial Ethics PDH registration requirement as well as garnering an addition PDH at a presentation sponsored by the Lower Hudson Valley Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers held at McLaren Engineering Group, West Nyack, NY.

The Presenters were Kriton A. Pantelidis, Esq. of Welby, Brady & Greenblatt, LLP, a construction litigation, arbitration, mediation, and malpractice defense firm located in White Plains, NY.  Mr. Pantelidis was joined by John J.P. Krol, a Welby, Brady & Greenblatt, LLP attorney, licensed Professional Engineer, former President of the Lower Hudson Valley Branch, Secretary of the White Plains Bar Association, Life Member of ASCE, author of the John Wiley & Sons, Inc. treatise, Construction Contract Law, and member of the Faculty of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY.

Mr. Pantelidis discussed the practice of Professional Engineering as defined by the New York State Education Law and the regulation of the profession by the New York Board of Regents.  Particular interest was directed to the requirements for licensure, a requirement of any profession; as well as to instances of professional misconduct and concomitant disciplinary action.

Mr. Krol reviewed the Codes of Ethics of both the American Society of Civil Engineers and the National Society of Professional Engineers along with illustrative fact patterns based on actual reported cases.