By: Thomas H. Welby
Published: April 2013
Date: April 2013
The Manhattan College Chapter of Chi Epsilon Honors Thomas H. Welby, P.E., Esq., Managing Partner
Chi Epsilon was founded in 1922 at the University of Illinois. It has more than 130 active chapters nationwide. Chapter Honor Membership is granted to one who has attained a degree of eminence in the civil engineering profession and has exhibited experience and ability worthy of emulation by young civil engineers.
Tom Welby is both an attorney and a professional engineer. His law practice focuses almost exclusively on construction matters, representing owners, contractors, subcontractors, engineers, architects, suppliers, and sureties in both the public and private sectors. As a member of the Faculties of both the Manhattan College School of Engineering and the Pace University School of Law, Mr. Welby has developed and taught several courses including Construction Law, Engineering Practice, Construction Management, and Engineering Economy.
In his address to the student initiates, Mr. Welby emphasized the four cornerstones of the engineering profession: education, apprenticeship, licensure, and ethics - along with the need for lifetime growth and learning. He urged the students to study and follow the Code of Ethics of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Among prior Manhattan College Chapter Honor Members are Joseph A. McCabe of Civil Engineering magazine; Bro. B. Austin Barry of Manhattan College; Arthur J. Fox, Engineering News-Record; George J. Tomaro, Mueser Rutledge; Lev Zetlin, Charles H. Thorton, Richard L. Tomasetti, Thomas Z. Scarangello, Thorton Tomasetti; John Donohue, Moretrench; and Milo Riverso, STV.